You have understood it by now : content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram must be different for each channel in order to be interesting. Starting now take on social media wholeheartedly : it would be like starting a conversation while already thinking about ending it. Starting now, see social media as real social interactions.
Continue reading to discover a few practical tips and current trends on social media!
Work on your visual identity
The visuals you use for your profile picture are not only for your account, they are part of your visual identity.
The name of your profile or account is not enough to find you easily. Using the same profile picture on all your social media pages will make identifying you simple, just like artists OsGemeos did.

Publish appealing content on Facebook
On Facebook, video content works much better (click on the image to see the video):

If you have a more dense content to publish, favor Facebook. Type a concise introductory text (without going over 100 characters preferably - except for a particular occasion) : if your texts are too long, they may not be read.
Once you have written your introductory text, insert a link that directs to an article of your choice (press, blog, etc.), or you have penned (published on your website, or blog, etc.).

Publish appealing content on Instagram
Instagram is all about publishing pictures. However, you can play around with these guidelines to stand out from the crowd.
Go beyond the small square format imposed by the platform to compose large images with PicSplit or another free application of your choice, they will be visible in gallery mode.

Instagram is a very appropriate social media for art, but also fashion. Below is a technique inspired by this field in which Instagramers gather objects related to one another (the material used for the work, a series of artworks, etc.) in one single image while respecting a very geometrical layout.

Publish appealing content on Twitter
On Twitter, the content you publish must necessarily be very short and concise. It is a channel for simple and quick information.
You can, for instance, keep art amateurs informed concerning your exhibitions and more generally your news :

You can also share short pieces of information on art world news :

In making sure the content you publish is distinct from one social media to the next, you will encourage users to follow you on each of your social media pages. Pay attention to what others around you publish, they may have put in place a trending practice on social media that you have not yet caught on to!