You are well placed to give your outlook on social media. The most pertinent today for art world figures are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If they appear as limited in options, think again!
A targeted use of each of these channels can turn out very effective, and the plurality of social media will allow you to restore an online experience compatible with that of the physical gallery. Better yet, it will make the gallery experience complete.

On Facebook
To have a page on Facebook is a good start. Not an account! A page. The difference?
A Facebook page’s aspect is very close to that of a personal and private account that you probably already have. But managing a Facebook page give you access to tools designed for professionals: You.
These tools have an educational and strategic aim. They will allow you to gradually understand the type of content that is most adapted to your target audience, thanks to weekly reports on your page’s activity, but also, they will allow you to increase your content’s visibility.
Be careful, Facebook formally prohibits the use of your personal and private Facebook account for professional purposes. What’s the risk? Getting your personal account deleted by the Cupertino firm...

On Instagram
Staging and highlighting the aesthetic aspect of the everyday, in a real worship of images, Instagram is full of photos of increasing quality that engage users that are receptive to photography but also to the arts. The app also allows one to put into picture what can be expressed in words. An interesting fact considering that 4 out of 10 people are more receptive to image than text.
Three photos lined up next to each other, white background, on as many lines as you please: it is the social media with the most appropriate layout for exhibiting visuals.
Only sharing pictures of artworks you show risks not being very smart, more work needs to be done: placing them in an exhibition space, with collectors glancing at them, will be more effective.
SOURCE: How to create stunning content on Facebook | Newsletter

On Twitter
Twitter is the social media for instantaneous sharing. There is no history on Twitter! One piece of news kicks out the next, and as new information is posted, the oldest is more and more difficult to find.
Keep it short: the body of your post, except for the references to other media (press articles, radio, blog…) or mentioning other users, is limited to 140 characters.
Twitter is an activation channel. Its asset is that very rapidity and fluidity. A few effective words can be shared between the social media’s users, from one account to the other, and propel an information coming from a total anonymous to the cover of a national daily newspaper.

There is one misstep to absolutely avoid: publishing the same content on all of your social media. If you are guaranteed to read the same thing in Le Monde, Libération or L’Obs then why read multiple papers?
Social media responds to the same logic. They each have a use that characterizes them. When they are well used jointly, with an appropriate content for each, the digitalization of your gallery will ensure your gallery optimal visibility.
Using social media well is a strength. And how much would it otherwise cost for a advert in the press? Here, not a cent...