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Social Media for Dummies

10 key definitions for getting started in social media

April 24, 2017

Due to the omnipresence of social media, it's vital to have an expert hand on its vocabulary. If you are panicking when your are hearing your neighbor asking his friend to "share on his wall and to not forget to tag Amelie", well this article is for you !

1. Wall

The page which gathers all the publications of your profile.

2. Share

When you "share" another Facebook user's publication on your own wall. The button "share" is on the right of "Comment"

3. Like

Saying "I like" on a publication. This allows the user to be notified that you appreciate his/her publication. It is situated on the left of "Comment".

4. Notification

Visible at the top right of your wall, notification is a way to let you know that one of your friends took an action concerning you.

5. Hashtag

Appoints a keyword preceded by the hash sigh (#). This key word becomes click-able and will redirect you to all the publications using this same hashtag.

6. Live

This new trendy function, allows to broadcast a live video on your wall.

7. Tag

A keyword given to a photo, a video or a text to describe its content or to designate a person. To tag someone/something, you just need to precede the word by "@". This way, the tagged word will appear in blue and will become click-able. The tagged profile will then receive the notification that you had identified in a publication

8. Engagement

Refers to users' inclination to interact with a brand, gallery, foundation (etc...) on social networks. An engagement could be positive or negative. On social networks, it can be measured by the number of "likes", comments and shares.

9. Influencers

Refers to individuals who can influence consumers through a position, status or media influence. An influencer allows you to remain up to date with the latest market trends. (Get to know 5 influencers of the art world here)