You should communicate during the Christmas holidays, yes: but be careful how! An overly commercial tone would be a mistake.
On the other hand, you would be wrong not to convey a message during this period!
Here are three ideas to do so:
- Communicate at Christmas to encourage sales of your works;
- Take advantage of the holiday theme (Christmas, New Year) to produce content;
- Create a retrospective on the milestones of the past year and announce the new year.
It is up to you to imagine one or more communication operations that matches one of these aims! To best guide you along the way, we have thought up several ideas for content.

Communicating at Christmas
to encourage sales of your artworks
Why wouldn’t it be possible to give an artwork?
Here is a message that you could try to get across... Isn’t a work of art one of the most personal and original gifts? It is valuable for the receiver as well as for the giver. It is a unique and moving present, made to last in time and share a moment of escape.
Send a newsletter or email to your art collector subscribers with a selection of your works (Artsper offers a dedicated emailing service). Perhaps one of them will find the present that fits a loved one.
You can even go further: why not make a gift card, if your catalog of work is varied enough? This gift card allows those who receive it to make their own choice in your catalog of works.
A few days before Christmas, online sales decline. Indeed: the delivery times can go past Christmas day.
Anticipate the risks, by providing a cardboard letter to offer at the foot of the Christmas tree, showing the artwork purchased and the mention (to be personalized) "Your artwork will be delivered to you very soon".

Use the holiday theme (Christmas, New Year)
to produce content
How could you spend Christmas and New Year, without wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the people who follow you?
This type of post demonstrates your dynamism: you are reactive, and show more empathy! Write it down, schedule a reminder!
Your post "Merry Christmas" must imperatively be posted on December 25th.
Do you want to spend Christmas with your family? We do too! It is precisely for this reason that we like to use the function "Define the date and time of this publication" on Facebook... Because Facebook takes care of everything for us! And that way, you will be sure to not have to worry.
As a bonus, you can even wish your audience an excellent Christmas Eve.
Your "Happy New Year" post should be posted the first week of January. Not after!
You can imagine that we wouldn’t devote an article so early on to how to write and plan your holiday wishes! Indeed, it is not quite yet Christmas ... So, here is something to make your collectors wait until then!
Communicating does not necessarily mean: pushing to buy. No! We have found excellent practices in other fields than art.
Leroy Merlin, a major french retailer, is head of the DIY consulting magazine Du Côté De Chez Vous. The magazine does not promote the brand nor promote the products of the brand. By being the holder of the DIY consulting magazine, Leroy Merlin is positioned as a DIY expert. It lingers in readers’ mind and they will naturally seek their further supply ... at Leroy Merlin!
Our advice: position yourself as an art expert by publishing:
- anecdotes on some works staying in the holiday themes;
- stories or rumors about artists that took place during the same period;
- and so on…
Why not make your own advent calendar on social media? Instagram could be a good support with its organization in squares!

Bring closure to the year by focussing on key events
Isn’t this holiday season a wonderful opportunity to put together a retrospective of the events that have marked your gallery in the last eleven months?
- Recall past exhibitions or new artists exposed by composing a photo album or video.
- Post and share the content you like, the performance you found interesting.
- Have a look back on the news that marked you, in a few words: make your gallery speak up!

Every communication operation aims to replace your gallery in the memory of a well-targeted population: in this case, art collectors.
The holiday celebrations are also an opportunity for a lot of people to take a few days off: your audience has time, take advantage of it to entertain them!
Not only will these collectors identify you better, but in addition, maybe they will think of your gallery spontaneously in the future, when they are looking for a work for them, or a new gift to offer...