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How to improve your customer relationship management

October 31, 2018

Knowing how to manage clients and customers is essential for any company. This statement is all the more true in the art world: galleries often depend just as much on loyal collectors who purchase from them at regular intervals than on the arrival of new customers. That's why it's important to develop certain habits and use the right tools that will enable you to manage your relationships more efficiently.


To ensure your clients become loyal, it's important to understand them. The first step to achieving this is monitoring and studying their behaviour. This process of identifying customers will categorise them according to their common interests and needs, their visits to their gallery, the events they attend, etc.


Segmenting your clients into different groups according to factors you judge important ( for example: level of spending, preferred medium etc) will enable you to create communication and marketing campaigns that are more adapted to each type of client. If some of your clients are interested in certain artists, movements, styles etc you can provide them with invitations to events that they will find interesting or supply them with information that they will find useful.


It is necessary to have a well structured database, which efficiently identifies all relevant customer information. Whether it is personal data (names, emails etc) or more a more advanced analysis such as the number of clicks on your gallery's page, newsletters, the number of subscribers, it is essential to have them in a database that is organised if you want to be able to analyse the information. Try to record information about the client at the time of purchase so that you can use your insights to contact the client with a targeted message (whether that's letting them know you have new artists that they might be interested in them or if events, exhibitions, etc.). There are different tools available to simply this task. to name a few: Adobe Campaign, Zoho, Salesforce ...

Le site internet de la galerie consiste également en une variable essentielle de fidélisation de la clientèle. En effet c’est via cette plateforme que la galerie pourra communiquer indirectement sur ses expositions à venir ou en cours, les vernissages, l’arrivée d’un nouvel artiste...Il s’agit véritablement d’une fenêtre par laquelle les clients ou prospects peuvent jeter un coup d’oeil. Il est dès lors primordial de faire du site internet une interface simple et agréable, de plus en plus fonctionnel et suivant le rythme en temps réel de la galerie.

The gallery's website is also important. It is via this platform that the gallery will be able to communicate about upcoming or current exhibitions, vernissages, the arrival of a new artist ... It's a window through which clients or potential clients can learn more about the gallery, wherever they may be in the world. It is therefore essential to make a website with a pleasant and easy to use interface that can evolve and be updated to reflect the gallery.


Once the database is established, it is time to create a client loyalty strategy, to apply it then to analyse it in order to make the necessary adjustments. Example of strategies: newsletters, new offers, communication via social media ... Depending on the results obtained, the strategy can be readjusted. The use of tools such as like MailChimp or Google Analytics are very useful for collecting statistics and communicating.

Online is not the only way of communicating and engaging with clients. The gallery can combine this method with an offline strategy: send invitations by post, promote discussion with customers during their visits to the gallery, learn about their tastes face to face for referrals to artists who might interest them ... Listening to them and starting a conversation with them remains one of the most important ways of communicating with current and potential clients.