Publishing photos, videos and live videos are the most popular publications in Facebook in 2017, according to the audience measurement site Youroutreach.
The team of Artsper has gathered some practical techniques and tips for your publications to attract more customers.
1. Posting a photo
The photo post is "the star of the posts". With 43.93% "likes", it ranks first in posts popularity on Facebook.
Our tips:
- Choose a bright and colorful picture to attract the attention of the surfers on their news feed.
- Write a short description of your picture you posted: 75 words maximum.
Attention, a successful photo post on Facebook must meet two technical criteria:
The format of the picture should be portrait or square. Facebook is visited more and more often from mobile phones, so these formats are more suitable.
For the most advised, here are the photo sizes recommended by Facebook:
- 1200x630 pixels for a shared photo
- 1200x717 pixels for a feature photo
The quality of picture must be good.
For the most advised, is better to upload the pictures on a JPEG format.

2. Post video
The video post ranks second in popularity of Facebook posts with 17.65% likes. However, it ranks first in comments and shares. The video post is therefore not a post to be neglected since this sort of post creates a lot of interaction among the surfers. The more activity ther is on your post, the more Facebook will make your video visible to your fans by putting it up on their news feed.
Our tips:
- Announce the context: in 75 words maximum.
- Choose videos with exclusive content, verifying that the videos are not subject to copyrights.
- Tag other pages in the video that you posted.
- Access the details of the post on the professional page of your gallery and redefine your strategy accordingly.
Attention, a successful video post on Facebook has to meet one technical criterion:
The quality of the video must be good. Choose short and high definition videos.

3. Live video
The live video is a recent and very popular feature on Facebook. It is about filming and broadcasting content live on Facebook. It is possible to make a live video with a mobile phone or with the computer.
Our tips:
- Announce your live video on the page of your gallery to your audience some hours before it is broadcast.
- Write a short description of your live video before starting it: 75 words maximum.
- Pay attention to the duration of he video, try for the video to last between 10min and 4h.
Attention, the quality of the live video must be good, you should have a good internet connection before starting your video: secure wifi network or 4G.