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Everything you need to know about content marketing

January 24, 2022

At Artsper, we are here to provide our partners with the most efficient tips and tools. Today we are going to explore the benefits of content marketing. Content marketing is a useful strategy for galleries and artists when implemented effectively. It is the process of creating and distributing editorial content for the greater purpose of retaining and acquiring clients. Before diving further into exciting approaches, it’s important to ascertain a comprehensive understanding of the marketing strategy. 

If content marketing is about creating and distributing content. What sets good content apart from the rest? In order to assess this, it’s essential that you understand your own brand identity and image, as in, how you present yourself to the general public. Once you have a fully comprehensive understanding of this, it is easier to develop valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract the correct audience. The more relevant your content is in terms of your brand identity, the easier it will be to reach a target audience. This will foster profitable client relationships and drive forward a stream of sales.

Within a competitive industry such as the art market, content marketing provides a competitive advantage for those who facilitate it properly. Galleries and artists can promote valuable, artistic expertise, catching the attention of collectors near and far. But where does one even begin?

How to get started

The benefits of SEO: with the right methodology, you can make your content appear among the first results on Google

The first step to achieving effective content marketing is through developing a solid understanding of the power of search engines. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving your online presence in order to increase visibility when people search for specific content online. Having a firm grip on SEO will encourage a lot of traffic, attracting prospective or existing clients.

Great writing and catchy headlines are not the main factors in attaining the optimal flow of traffic. It is an added benefit but unfortunately not the main factor in creating content that is formatted exactly for content marketing. You can learn more about SEO tools in our article on achieving the best SEO

Valuable content

Instagram post courtesy of Maddoxx Gallery

Have you ever struggled to finish reading something online? This is the type of reaction you are trying to avoid. You need to find a way to achieve the best optimization through the implementation of genuinely valuable content. But what is valuable content? Can you remember an enticing article that you wanted to read? Content is great if it attracts and hooks clients from the very beginning.

For galleries and artists, it is essential to keep collectors and prospective buyers on the edge of their seats. The best way to stand out from the crowd is to be creative as possible. This can be done through creating and publishing different forms of content, using different formats, fresh ideas, all while maintaining your core values.

The best platforms

Once you’ve created valuable content, you're ready to publish it online, making it accessible for everyone who has a smart phone or computer. There are various, exciting platforms that can be used. However, the platform used relies heavily on the type of content you intend to promote. 

Websites can be used for more than selling artworks. Depending on you organize your content on the home page, it is feasible to publish exciting information on a changing basis. For example, you can publish a video of an artist from your catalog or your central gallerist to create interactive, educational content for your clients. This is a great strategy that provides viewers a closer look into current or upcoming exhibitions, fostering a more in-depth understanding of artistic processes. Discover a selection of inspiring gallery websites that perfectly demonstrate well-executed content marketing.

 Maddox Gallery's News section, a successful example of an integrated blog on a gallery's website

Another great addition is the creation of a blog or magazine which can easily be displayed as a central tab from your website homepage. This is a wonderful way to share short articles detailing current events about the art market, upcoming gallery news, or perhaps highlight the work of particular artists or artworks. This is a useful approach to keep clients informed while also attracting potential new clients online. 

Galleries and artists can also integrate a newsletter system. Newsletters can be sent to a pre-established mailing list. It is a great technique to keep clients informed about organized events such as exhibitions, openings, or important discussions.

Newsletter courtesy of Cryptoart Island

In terms of external platforms beyond your own website and emailing list, social media is an essential part of content marketing and the key to a successful online presence. Social media is boundless. It is the best way to stay connected to a worldwide audience, such as artists, collectors, art enthusiasts, and art professionals. In terms of suggested, relevant content, you can post behind-the-scenes photos and videos of upcoming exhibitions, interviews with artists, or highlight specific artworks available online. Instagram stories and Facebook lives can also be used as a means to share quick updates, or a sneak peek of what is to come. Your social media presence will invite your followers to feel as though they’re a part of the your organization process and overall daily life.

The use of videos is a powerful tool when integrated in your communication strategy, Courtesy of Artsper

In conclusion

As the world around becomes more and more consumed by digital tools and media, it only makes sense that professional establishments follow suit. In order to not fall behind, integrating valuable content through social media and other online platforms is essential for the health and future success of your business. It only takes a few, necessary steps to increase your overall reach and presence. At Artsper we are here to guide you along the way. Learn more about ways to increase your visibility on our blog