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Artsper: 2016 Retrospective

A record-breaking year with many projects.

December 22, 2016

Artsper continues to knock down the barriers around purchasing art work, with digital. 2016 was a record breaking year for Artsper, with a turnover increase of 300% and a team of 30 collaborators now. This indicates a very promising 2017, marked by new projects and new ambitions.

Before sharing our 2016 retrospective, we would like to thank you for the trust you placed in us. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you on the 17th January at Galerie Perahia to celebrate the new year together, moreover present our ambition for 2017(register here).

Artsper in 2016

in 10 figures and key facts

  • +300% increase in turnover for 2016
  • 270,000 visitors per month on
  • 2,000€ average purchases for the buyers of the site
  • 92,000€ price of the most expensive work sold
  • 30 collaborators (+17 recruited compared to 2015)

The constant increase in Artsper's turn over proves that contemporary art relates to all of us, especially when the web facilitates its access. With the arrival of 17 collaborators this year and the new recruitment planned for 2017, the whole team is growing, in order to accompany you even better. Just to let you know, our team is working on a new version of your back office which is more complete, intuitive and efficient. It'll be here in 2017!

  • Launching of AAA- Artsper Art Advisory

Launched in October 2016, our art advisory service's aim is to accompany collectors in a personalized manner. This team has extremely refined knowledge on the work item catalogs presented on Artsper, therefore is able to better guide the collectors towards purchasing your pieces of work.

  • +2000 posts on social networks, +100 emailing, +50 themes that present your works were published this year

2016 was marked by a significant increase of our community. More than 136.000 people follow us on social networks, we have 85.000 subscribers for our emailing. Don't miss out on our newsletter {gallery} every two weeks, where we announce the theme of our next emailing. If you wish to see your works in our emailing, now is the time to submit them!

  • New payment methods

Since October 2016, it's possible for clients to pay through Paypal, the most popular payment system in the world. Adding this feature has enriched the choices of payment methods and has led to an increase of the number of sales on Artsper.

  • A new personalized suggestion tool for your works

To increase the visibility of your works on the site, our team has developed and launched a new personalized suggestion tool. When a visitor creates a “wishlist”, additional art work is then suggested to him, depending on his taste. This new feature is just the first milestone of a vast personalization project, which will be deployed in 2017.

  • Launching of the « Cocktail Gallery »

Save the best for last! In order to reduce the distance between you and Artsper, we have launched an evening-encounter « Cocktail Gallery ». We'd like to invite you three days in a year, at a partner gallery to meet the Artsper team, let us know your queries and discuss on the undertaken and ongoing projects. Lets note this down everybody, the next one will take place on the 17th January at Galerie Perahia and we'll have big news for you (register here)!