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57 Minutes of inspiring TED talks about art

Four TED Talks you have to watch if you work in art

November 26, 2021

TED Talks welcome speakers from all industries to present a topic of their own in a few minutes. From technology to fashion, from social issues to science, the speakers present a moving story to the public, an inspiring point of view, amazing research results... Today, Artsper presents 4 TED Talks on art that are particularly impactful. From artistic prowess to committed patronage and mindblowing technological experiments, these speakers have all added value to the art market in their own way. Meet them now!

Shea Hembrey's extraordinary Biennale

Shea Hembrey is an American artist and curator. His work is conceptual in nature, and he is inspired by the way humans appropriate its forms and concepts.

In 2011, Shea Hembrey created an international reputation for himself thanks to a famous project: his SEEK Biennale, which he reiterates with humor in this TED Talk. In front of the astonished faces of hundreds of spectators, Hembrey recounts the extraordinary way in which he put together his own contemporary art Biennale from scratch - artworks included! By inventing profiles of artists from all over the world, with their own unique artistic approaches and styles, he created this event with 2 years of studio work and limitless imagination. You will meet about 30 artists out of 100 invented in total. Don't miss this amusing and unique story!

The importance of protecting contemporary art according to Swizz Beatz

While he is best known in the music world, hip-hop icon Swizz Beatz is also a visual arts enthusiast. Through his family collection, the Dean Collection, he organizes international events with the goal of spreading the passion for contemporary art.

In this more private TED Talk, Swizz Beatz reveals one of his most important life projects: supporting contemporary art and living artists. According to him, protecting art is protecting our future. Such a mission inevitably requires bringing security and visibility to artists, but also educating young generations about art and encouraging artistic passion. Discover this amazing patron of the arts and the projects that drive him, in eight short minutes!

Sougwen Chung on collaborating with robots

Passionate about art and artificial intelligence, Sougwen Chung is a pioneer of a whole new artistic genre. Without affecting the importance of the human hand in any way, she places the robot at the heart of creation to reach new visual realms.

Combining her own creative spirit with her technological research, Sougwen Chung continually pushes the boundaries of human-machine collaboration. In this TED Talk, she looks back at the stages of her experiments with her robot DOUG that accompanies her in the creation of works. This fascinating talk demonstrates that the unpredictable factors of artificial intelligence give way to a creative force similar - or at least complementary - to that of an artist!

Reconstructing history, Titus Kaphar's mission

Titus Kaphar discovered art history completely by accident, but he has made it his life project. Known for his works that rework historical compositions, he has become a figurehead in the of committed art.

"I want to create paintings [and] sculptures that are honest," says Titus Kaphar, who encourages us in this TED Talk to rethink what we know about art. Through his presentation, which includes a memorable performance, he confronts us with our own biases and proposes a new way of observing which reintroduces Black people in the canon. Take the time to attend this beautiful conference: elegantly delivered, Titus Kaphar's speech will change your perspective and touch your heart!

Bonus: The future of NFTs, according to Kayvon Tehranian

Through his company, Kayvon Tehranian supports artists' remuneration and accompanies new collector profiles through blockchain technology.

Whether you're for or against NFTs - or if you don't yet understand them enough to make up your mind - this talk is a great resource. Taking a look back at the early dilemmas posed by the internet when it was invented, Kayvon Tehranian puts the benefits that blockchain and NFTs offer today into perspective. He makes a concise and particularly convincing argument!

Why listen to TED Talks?

These short talks each provide a dose of inspiration, an opportunity to question oneself, a chance to see things in a bigger way. And at Artsper, we support any initiative that aims to make the art world more accessible and share visions that move it forward. TED Talks are a priceless source of human treasures; accessible for free and unlimited. They will never fail to bring you a rich and positive perspective!