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5 Websites that you'll want to copy

A selection of gallery websites from the most original to the most minimalist

August 8, 2016

While some predicted the end of websites massively replaced by social networks, it turns out that they still play an important role in the digital strategy of contemporary art galleries. Indeed, a gallery can not be recognized if its website is not modern, comprehensive and regularly updated. Artsper selected five websites, from the conceptual and illegible to the most close to the "White Cube" gallery spirit : clean and minimalist.

1. Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery

This Parisian gallery offers a unique website that can be disturbing at first. You could almost think that you have written the wrong web address ...

When you access this site, the first image that appears is that of an ultra-pixelated dolphin in full screen. Surprising for an art gallery website. But the best is yet to come, the site's home page is an old Google search page which links lead to different sections of the site : press review, artworks, contact ... The interface is both confusing and intriguing, a website never seen before.

2. Gallery Moeity

Nothing suggests that this website, characterized by a punk aesthetic and atypical backgrounds, is that of an art gallery.

The official website of the Brooklyn based Moeity gallery is mainly composed of images and exhibition views. The gallery distinguish itself by its original aesthetic. The navigation is simplified, we can both scroll through different artworks by the same artist or from different shows, and thus create your own group show.

3. Gallery Know More Games

Still in the same offbeat spirit of New York galleries, the interface of this website is seething gif and other pop-up windows.

It is hard to navigate by browsing the single page of this sitean its numerous shortcuts. Although there is a good balance between text and images, the meaning of each picture remains uncertain, and the interface is closer to that of a Tumblr that an official art gallery website. A good fun and interactive idea at first, which would however gain to be better channeled.

4. Galerie Eric Dupont

The white cube aesthetic has emerged since the 1970's as the ultimate exhibition space. Some galleries got inspired by it for their website's design.

While some criticize the white cube, which aims to remove any context around the art that there is shown, as it participates to isolate and sterilize contemporary art, much still comply with it. Art galleries have largely followed this trend also on their websites. There are hundreds of web interfaces of minimalist and monochrome graphics. But some, like the Galerie Eric Dupont excel in this exercise.

5. Lily Robert Gallery

Text in large print that covers the screen, concise information and easy navigation define this minimalist website.

The site of Galerie Lily Robert (former Galerie Olivier Robert) is amazingly simple. All information is accessible in a click, the exhibition views are in high definition as well as images of artworks. Site visitors almost have a virtual tour of the gallery feel as the interface experience is user friendly. Here, simplicity is undeniably synonymous with quality.

If you have decided to change your website, you can choose between conventional or original graphics. You can also get inspired by each of these sites and only keep their highlights. It is important to remember that the key information must be easily accessible and that by only visiting your website, the potential buyer must be able to get an idea of ​​your artists and available artworks.

Kenza Zidi