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10 solutions to help you keep your New Year's resolutions

Discover our selection of tools and services to help you improve your productivity.

December 30, 2016

A new year begins! New commitments as well...Do you remember the last three resolutions you promised to keep? And you still haven’t kept them!

At Artsper, we use several tools and services in order to improve our productivity. We’ve decided to share our top 10. Maybe you'll find the perfect one to help you with your everyday life and boost your productivity!

Trello is a tool that helps you organise the tasks you need to carry out, by helping you and your team prioritise and divide them. Its visual and fun aspect allows you to assign a task to a card, which you can move on your control panel, as the project evolves. Intuitive, simple and quick to get used to, Trello will help you track your projects' progress all while keeping an eye on the deadline!

Remember the empty feeling when you reach your destination, you suddenly realise that you’ve forgotten your storage equipment and all your documents... well an easy solution is Google Drive!

Now, it’s possible to check your documents from any phone, tablet or computer! It’s even possible to share the document with your colleagues at work or even work on it as a group on it, from different devices. In short, Google Drive is an exceptionally efficient collaborative storage tool.

This software is considered to be an “extension of our brain and memory”. It’s no easy task! What it allows you to do isn’t easy as well: take scattered notes, record vocal memos, link or images, add comments...and all this information is synchronized between your various devices! The only problem: there's no excuse for your forgetfulness...

How often do you come across interesting content online but don't have time to read it then and there? Several times! With Pocket, nothing will slip by you from now on! Save your videos, articles or anything you want, and consult them whenever you want. This tool is so efficient that it even allows you to read your saved items without any internet connection.

You don’t have enough time to make a presentation? You don’t feel like buying Microsoft Office to use Powerpoint? Prezi is for you! An alternative and user-friendly solution for the standard Power Point presentation, Prezi is accessible everywhere, all the time and on any kind of device. Moreover, it allows beginners to achieve a professional looking slide presentation in a short span of time.

Photoshop is too expensive and anyways you don't really know how to use it? Then Canva is the perfect solution to these problems. It’s an online platform for graphic creation, allowing you to create your own graphics in record time! It’s a perfect tool for creating stunning images to publish on your social media networks or create beautiful visuals for your leaflets and presentations.

There are key moments, where there is no room for mess ups, sometimes a meal is enough to set things right...With these two quality catering services, turn into the buffet king!

8. UBS Planet Art

While there isn’t any problem finding the information we need, the credibility of the source can be an issue . If only a tool could sort it out for us...but how? UBS Planet Art is a reference for editorial content, updated in real time and has around 90 international sources of information, it sorts through relevance, date of publication...You’ve just found your morning press review on art.

Don't have the time to manage your social media networks ? Well here's a solution for you. Instead of devoting yourself to your Facebook page or Instagram account in an erratic manner, put aside a day during the week and plan your posts and publications for the following week! Hootsuite allows you to plan out and schedule your entire social media content, through just one platform. In a word: practical.

Skype isn’t the only one anymore! doesn’t need you to identify yourself, to organise your video conferences with up to 8 people , through a website, wherever they are! A much easier and efficient way to communicate.

11. Artsper

Lastly, if your New Year's resolution is to sell more works, there's Artsper. With our platform you'll have access to over 250,000 monthly visitors, that's a huge number of potential collectors you might be able to reach! Several internationally renowned galleries such as Perrotin, Templon and Magda Danysz have joined us and have successfully sold several works. If you need any more convincing read our article about the reasons why you should join Artsper.

With that 10 tools, you have enough to keep your resolutions, or may be to think about some new ones!